Fairfax-Bolinas Road in West Marin at milepost 5.73 (approximately 2 miles west of Azalea Hill) is single-lane access with two-way traffic controlled through one lane. This condition is at the construction zone only and will remain in place until project is completed. See project webpage for more details. Thank you for your patience while this project progresses.

San Quentin Village sewer district (SQVSMD)


The SQVSMD was established by resolution of the Marin County Board of Supervisors (BOS) in 1962. The BOS also serves as the SQVSMD Board of Directors.

The District serves 45 residential living units and encompasses a small area on either side of Main Street in San Quentin Village, ending about a 100 feet in front of the San Quentin Prison East Gate.

The sewer collection system includes about 1,500 linear feet of sewer pipelines, 12 manholes, and a pump station. SQVSMD wastewater is collected by the San Quentin Prison sewer system, which is then pumped to the Central Marin Sanitation Agency (CMSA) treatment plant in San Rafael. CMSA provides operations and maintenance services for the District.

An annual sewer charge of $472 per living unit is assessed by the County Tax Collector to fund maintenance, repairs and other operational costs.

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