Fairfax-Bolinas Road in West Marin at milepost 5.73 (approximately 2 miles west of Azalea Hill) is single-lane access with two-way traffic controlled through one lane. This condition is at the construction zone only and will remain in place until project is completed. See project webpage for more details. Thank you for your patience while this project progresses.

Airport document archive

FAA – Record of Decision (ROD) July 2020

ROD – Proposed Extension of Runway 13/31

Final Supplement to Final Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) January 2020

Volume 1

Final SEIS Cover Sheet[PDF]

Final SEIS Inside Cover[PDF]

Table of Contents[PDF]

Acronyms and Glossary of Terms[PDF]

Final SEIS Summary[PDF]

Chapter 1: Background[PDF]

Chapter 2: Purpose and Need[PDF]

Chapter 3: Alternatives[PDF]

Chapter 4: Affected Environment[PDF]

Chapter 5: Environmental Consequences

5.0: Introduction[PDF]
5.1: Noise[PDF]
5.2: Compatible Land Use[PDF]
5.3: Socioeconomic Impacts[PDF]
5.4: Secondary Impacts[PDF]
5.5: Air Quality[PDF]
5.6: Water Quality[PDF]
5.7: Department of Transportation 4(f)[PDF]
5.8: Historic, Architectural, Archaeological, and Cultural Resources[PDF]
5.9: Biological Resources[PDF]
5.10: Wetlands and Streams[PDF]
5.11: Floodplains[PDF]
5.12: Coastal Resources[PDF]
5.13: Wild and Scenic Rivers[PDF]
5.14: Farmlands[PDF]
5.15: Energy Supply, Natural Resources, and Sustainable Design[PDF]
5.16: Visual Resources[PDF]
5.17: Hazardous Materials, Pollution Prevention, and Solid Waste[PDF]
5.18: Construction Impacts[PDF]
5.19: Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources[PDF]

Chapter 6: Cumulative Impact[PDF]

Chapter 7: List of Preparers[PDF]

Volume 2

Appendix A-1: Agency Scoping and Coordination[PDF]
Appendix B-1: Public Involvement[PDF]
Appendix C-1: Aviation Activity Forecast[PDF]
Appendix D-1: Runway Length Analysis[PDF]
Appendix E-1: Noise[PDF]
Appendix F-1: Air Quality[PDF]
Appendix G-1: Water Quality[PDF]
Appendix H-1: Cultural Resources[PDF]
Appendix I-1: Biological Resources[PDF]
Appendix J-1: Wetlands[PDF]
Appendix K-1: Energy and Natural Resources[PDF]
Appendix L-1: Hazardous Materials[PDF]
Appendix M-1: Geology, Soils, and Seismicity Resources[PDF]
Appendix N-1: Mineral Resources[PDF]
Appendix O-1: Land Use Assurance Letter[PDF]
Appendix P-1: Comments Received on the Draft Supplement to the Final EIS[PDF]
Appendix Q-1: FAA Response to Comments Received on the Draft Supplement to the Final EIS[PDF]

Notice of Availability (EIS-NOA)[PDF]

Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) June 2014

Volume 1

FEIS Cover Sheet[PDF]

FEIS Inside Cover[PDF]

Table of Contents[PDF]

Acronyms and Glossary of Terms[PDF]

FEIS Summary[PDF]

Chapter 1: Background[PDF]

Chapter 2: Purpose and Need[PDF]

Chapter 3: Alternatives[PDF]

Chapter 4: Affected Environment[PDF]

Chapter 5: Environmental Consequences

5.0: Introduction[PDF]
5.1: Noise[PDF]
5.2: Compatible Land Use[PDF]
5.3: Socioeconomic Impacts[PDF]
5.4: Secondary Impacts[PDF]
5.5: Air Quality[PDF]
5.6: Water Quality[PDF]
5.7: Department of Transportation 4(f)[PDF]
5.8: Historic, Architectural, Archaeological, and Cultural Resources[PDF]
5.9: Fish, Wildlife, and Plants[PDF]
5.10: Wetlands and Streams[PDF]
5.11: Floodplains[PDF]
5.12: Coastal Resources[PDF]
5.13: Wild and Scenic Rivers[PDF]
5.14: Farmlands[PDF]
5.15: Energy Supply, Natural Resources, and Sustainable Design[PDF]
5.16: Light Emissions and Visual Impacts[PDF]
5.17: Hazardous Materials, Pollution Prevention, and Solid Waste[PDF]
5.18: Construction Impacts[PDF]

Chapter 6: Cumulative Impacts[PDF]

Chapter 7: List of Preparers[PDF]

EIS Index[PDF]

Volume 3

Appendix Cover[PDF]
Appendix A: Agency Scoping and Coordination[PDF]
Appendix B: Public Involvement[PDF]
Appendix C: Aviation Activity Forecast[PDF]
Appendix D: Runway Length Analysis[PDF]
Appendix E: Noise[PDF]
Appendix F: Air Quality[PDF]
Appendix G: Water Quality[PDF]
Appendix H: Cultural Resources[PDF]
Appendix I: Biological Resources[PDF]
Appendix J: Wetlands[PDF]
Appendix K: Energy and Natural Resources[PDF]
Appendix L: Hazardous Materials[PDF]
Appendix M: Geology, Soils, and Seismicity Resources[PDF]
Appendix N: Mineral Resources[PDF]
Appendix O: Land Use Assurance Letter[PDF]
Appendix P: Comments Received on Draft EIS/EIR[PDF]
Appendix Q: Response to Comments[PDF]

Notice of Availability (EIS-NOA)[PDF]

Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) November 2013

Volume 2


Table of Contents[PDF]

Chapter 1: Introduction[PDF]

Chapter 2: Project Summary[PDF]

Chapter 3: Project Description[PDF]

Chapter 4: Environmental Settings, Environmental Impacts, and Mitigation Measures

4.1: Approach to the Environmental Analysis[PDF]
4.2: Land Use and Planning[PDF]
4.3: Geology, Soils, and Seismicity[PDF]
4.4: Hydrology and Water Quality[PDF]
4.5: Vegetation and Wildlife[PDF]
4.6: Transportation and Circulation[PDF]
4.7: Noise[PDF]
4.8: Climate and Air Quality[PDF]
4.9: Cultural Resources[PDF]
4.10: Aesthetics and Visual Resources[PDF]
4.11: State and National Scenic Rivers[PDF]
4.12: Public Parks and Recreation[PDF]
4.13: Public Services and Utilities[PDF]
4.14: Energy and Natural Resources[PDF]
4.15: Socioeconomic Impacts[PDF]
4.16: Hazards and Hazardous Materials[PDF]
4.17: Mineral Resources[PDF]
4.18: Agricultural Resources[PDF]
4.19: Wetlands[PDF]
4.20: Floodplains[PDF]
4.21: Coastal Resources[PDF]

Chapter 5: Other CEQA Mandated Sections[PDF]

Chapter 6: Alternatives[PDF]

Chapter 7: List of Preparers[PDF]

Chapter 8: Bibliography[PDF]

Volume 3

Appendix Cover[PDF]
Appendix A: Agency Scoping and Coordination[PDF]
Appendix B: Public Involvement[PDF]
Appendix C: Aviation Activity Forecast[PDF]
Appendix D: Runway Length Analysis[PDF]
Appendix E: Noise[PDF]
Appendix F: Air Quality[PDF]
Appendix G: Water Quality[PDF]
Appendix H: Cultural Resources[PDF]
Appendix I: Biological Resources[PDF]
Appendix J: Wetlands[PDF]
Appendix K: Energy and Natural Resources[PDF]
Appendix L: Hazardous Materials[PDF]
Appendix M: Geology, Soils, and Seismicity Resources[PDF]
Appendix N: Mineral Resources[PDF]
Appendix O: Land Use Assurance Letter[PDF]
Appendix P: Comments Received on Draft EIS/EIR[PDF]
Appendix Q: Response to Comments[PDF]

Notice of Availability (EIS-NOA)[PDF]

Notice of Comment Deadline Extension and Rescheduled Public Hearing[PDF]

FEIR Amendment – Responses to Comments[PDF]

Marin County Board of Supervisors Certified Final EIR[PDF]

Board of Supervisors Merit Hearing – Public Notice

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