What type of transportation permit do I need, and what are the restrictions?
To learn about different types of transportation permits and restrictions, view our Transportation permits page.
To learn about different types of transportation permits and restrictions, view our Transportation permits page.
To request a road closure, please submit an Unified Application for Encroachment Permit with the following : A written description Select ‘yes’ for Road Closure Select Surface Type: Asphalt/concrete/other Attachments – please attach a site map, drawing or sketch Visit our Land use permits page to learn more.
You can go online and download the Permanent State ID Number Instructions and Application (DTSC Form 1358) for submission by mail or complete and submit online. Be advised that it may take 3-4 weeks to receive your new I.D. Number from the Department of Toxic Substance and Control (DTSC), so request your I.D. Number as … Continued
You can find a copy of the fee schedule by going to our CUPA services webpage.
The County website outlines steps to follow and provides links to helpful resources. Applicants should submit an Unified Application for Encroachment Permit following these steps: Confirm that the planned work or event is in an area of unincorporated Marin and involves a County-maintained road and right-of-way by querying Marin Maps at marinmap.org. Prepare a site … Continued
An Encroachment Permit is required for any work conducted within a County-maintained public right-of-way. Often, the County-maintained public right-of-way extends beyond the paved street and may extend beyond the sidewalk. An Encroachment Permit allows you to make certain uses and construct certain improvements within a County-maintained public right-of-way, both above and underground. Examples include, but … Continued
If you live on a County maintained road and traffic will be impacted by the tree trimming, then yes, an encroachment permit will be needed. Learn more by visiting our Land use permits page.