Fairfax-Bolinas Road in West Marin is open. However, it is operating through a single-lane with controlled two-way traffic at milepost 5.73.  See project webpage for more details. Thank you for your patience while this project progresses.

FAQ Topic: Flood and water

What are Flood Control Zones and do I live in one?

The Marin County Flood Control & Conservation District oversees eight defined zones in Marin to address specific flooding problems with each of those areas. These flood zones do not cover the entire county and are, for the most part, concentrated in the county’s eastern urbanized corridor. The vast majority of the county’s land area is … Continued

What is the Flood Control program and how can it help me?

The Flood Control program, conducted by the Marin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District, seeks to reduce the risk of flooding for the protection of life and property while utilizing sustainable practices. The District aims to meet this mission through effective, transparent, and responsive planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of District-owned facilities such … Continued

What is the FEMA Community Rating System?

Our Land Development division administers the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)  Community Rating System (CRS) Program for unincorporated areas of Marin County. To learn more about this voluntary incentive program, visit our FEMA Flood Information page or contact our  Land Development team.

Who is responsible for repairing drainage culvert pipes on my property?

In many areas of Marin, culvert pipes are predominantly located within private property and are the private property owner’s responsibility to maintain. However, costs to properly repair deteriorating culverts may be prohibitive and therefore, simply not done, which can heighten risks of damage to public infrastructure. Please see the Drainage Assistance Program to find out … Continued

What flood zone is my property located in?

Visit the FEMA flood map service center to  find your official flood map, access a range of other flood hazard products, and take advantage of tools for better understanding flood risk.

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