Marin County Department of Public Works
To provide quality services and maintain and improve public infrastructure and facilities, while protecting Marin’s natural resources.
We build and maintain our infrastructure while protecting our environment and nurturing confidence and trust with the community and each other.
What is the Department of Public Works?
Since its inception in 1955, the Public Works Department has grown to 20 divisions and is the county’s second-largest department in terms of personnel. Our work takes us to every corner of the almost 500 square miles of unincorporated land in Marin County.
The Department’s responsibilities go beyond repairing and maintaining over 420 miles of roads. Public Works is responsible for Marin's watersheds and related flood mitigation, waste management franchises, radio towers and communications, infrastructure and capital projects, printing services and County-wide procurement, local airports, public building repair and maintenance, as well as general government administration services. We also manage numerous regional and community-focused programs and special districts, including:
- Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
- Waste Management and Stormwater Joint Powers Authorities (JPAs)
- County Service Areas (CSAs)
- San Quentin Village Sewer Maintenance District
- Tidelands Use and Trust
- Permanent Road Divisions (PRDs)
- Road Impact and Traffic Mitigation funds