Marin County Public Works Launches New Website

Posted on November 1, 2021

For Immediate Release –

San Rafael, CA –

New platform provides people of Marin with a service-focused online experience intended to evolve with the needs of our community


Example image mockups of responsive design of the new website
Example of the responsive design of the new website, fully functional across all devices.

In its ongoing mission to deliver reliable and quality services as a transparent, modern government organization,  the County of Marin Department of Public Works has launched its new website. Located at, the website strives to provide, and continually improve, access to the diverse range of Public Works services, programs, projects and information for the people of Marin County.

The intention is to present our community with a user-friendly experience in which people can easily find their desired information and complete their necessary tasks in a streamlined process. The new, service-focused website is designed to function across all devices from mobile to desktop, and it is secured for user privacy protection and makes accessibility a priority. The website, built on the industry leading ProudCity platform, will continue to evolve over time and deliver improved functionality, accessibility, and government transparency with each iteration.

What’s been done so far:

  • Conducted user research to determine what key changes were needed.
  • Researched modern, industry-leading government technologies/platforms and determined best practices and user-centric tools.
  • Deconstructed our traditional government division structure and reorganized all content from a customer service approach.
  • Highlighted transparency by removing the previously siloed presentation and minimizing the government lingo moving forward.
  • Implemented a streamlined structure and navigation, giving people clear paths to relevant information, focused on key action items, public information needs and specific user tasks.
  • Built with responsive web design, optimizing the site for mobile, tablet and desktop.
  • Implemented predictive search across all content.
  • Developed an intuitive, interactive “Get Answers” section (think of it as a modern FAQ section).
  • Created various “Issue Reporting” features to make it easy for the public to let us know about specific concerns or critical situations.
  • Created informational maps to help present crucial information from jurisdictional questions to pavement conditions to current road closures.
  • Prioritization of digital accessibility thanks to the modern platform, making it a built-in and ongoing commitment.

What’s up next:

  • First and foremost, this website will be an iterative process based on public feedback and data. The ever-evolving approach means that we will always strive to provide our community with the best website and digital services experience possible.
  • Add more webforms and tools to help make it easier for our community members to accomplish their goals and meet their needs.
  • Implement e-payment options for the convenience of our users.
  • Set up notifications options for interested users.
  • Continually update security measures.
  • Continually update digital accessibility.
  • Training and empowering staff to ensure that web content and services are updated consistently, meeting high quality standards and best practices for government digital services.

What can you do?

Marin County Public Works encourages all users to provide feedback as to how we can improve the online experience and to check back regularly for website updates.

We are proud to serve you, the people of Marin County. Thank you!

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