Fairfax-Bolinas Road in West Marin at milepost 5.73 (approximately 2 miles west of Azalea Hill) is single-lane access with two-way traffic controlled through one lane. This condition is at the construction zone only and will remain in place until project is completed. See project webpage for more details. Thank you for your patience while this project progresses.

Berenice Davidson, Assistant Director


Assistant Director

Executive Team

Berenice Davidson

“After working in the Bay Area in the private sector, marriage brought me to Marin County.  I joined Public Works in 2001 and I am proud to be a part of the diverse services we deliver to the people of Marin, supporting healthy, safe and sustainable communities. I am passionate about tackling world problems that affect us at a local level, such as climate change, disaster preparedness, infrastructure investments, affordable housing and racial equity.  For me, creating a supportive work environment for our staff is paramount, which is something I’ve learned through the unparalleled support of my husband. When I’m not wearing my professional hat, you can find me enjoying the wonders of Marin alongside my husband as we raise our three wonderful children.”

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”  –– Albert Einstein

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