Marin Civic Center Skylight Refurbishment



The skylights of the Marin Civic Center will be replaced to ensure that the building envelope is weather tight and as energy efficient as possible. The skylights are currently sealed with silicone tape to prevent leaks, which is neither a long-term solution nor historically accurate. Project staff will collaborate with a Taliesin trained architect who ensures historical/design accuracy.

Please note that the Marin Civic Center roof replacement project, which was completed in 2019, did not address the skylights. The roof project addressed the removal of all the old roofing material and application of a new polyurethane membrane, as well as matching the historic color of architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s iconic design. The 470,168-square-foot Civic Center is the largest completed public project that Frank Lloyd Wright designed and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.


Depending on materials, the project is currently estimated to be up to $7,000,000. Certificates of Participation (COPS) funding as well as Capital Improvement Program funds.

Public impacts

None expected.


January 2022

  • Design completed


  • Construction (timing is dependent on material selection and availability)
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